IF YOU EVER WANT AND SIT AND BUILD ON HIP HOP THIS IS THE MAN TO DO IT WITH . i got schooled on old school puerto ricos history dates as far back as nyc's history .boricuas have been there since the begining of hip hop. the bronx as well as the other 4 boros of ny have been heavely populated by latinos . puerto ricans have always been on the stomping grounds of the graffiti culture and hip hop . i still love hearing charlie chase in one of his lyrics saying ."my name is charlie chase and im a puerto rican " thats shit blew my mind in a latino family we respected hector lavoe as well as many salsa artist but when we heard some one from our time lived where we lived on a record it was amazing ! back to duke ! mayaguez is also on the westy coast of the island next to aguadilla . i recently went there sight seeing with the kids and i stumbled accross a old 80s tag on a park bench that said duke tmd . sucked that i didnt have a camara and when i went back the bench was gone due to city clean ups after the last elections . duke is a true legend to the west coast of the island not forgetting ce.one and flavor. i remember seeing a news paper article from that side of the island that read "graffiti invada a puerto rico "on its head line front page . when looking at the foto you knew the guy had style . his tag style was str8 nyc . amd his throw ups were unforgetable . this is what duke had to say august 18th 1996
this is grand supreme true legendary old school bboy king of graff in pr "el rey" de mayaguez iz my claim of mother fucken fame ! dont get it twisted boy!! it all started in 1977 in the boogie down bronx .my cousin jaeizm and his boys hallow rockwell and aze were killing the insides (trains) stations and what ever you could think of . i remember tracy 168,noc 167, bs119 , smily 149, lee 163rd ,kase2 , butch and a few others were runing the show at about the same time i jetteed to pr . i was young and hip hop there was non existent, so i kinda slacked off and didnt fuck with it . it wasnt till 79my cousin jaeizm came back to pr for vacation he took me and this kid king bad to rack up paint at cesani hard ware store we went bombing killin shit !it was ill! after that i went back to nyc i was a little older and a full fledged bboy by now , buck wilin ,vampin chumps, shop liftin mackin bitches the whole nine . i was killin buses , insides, hand ball courts what ever . its 1981 by now after tagging a few names i finally settled with the name i gained fame in the game DUKE . i was going to pr every year twice or 3 times and would go to "pueblo" super market and bag dozens of "el marko" markers at the time or go to radames pena an art store and lift pilots unis ink etc. i was dope in the 80s i noticed other writers like cano, daemon t.d.s. ,tmt,mta, (my mentor) and ce.one( aguadilla) .in 1983 is the year i get big in the bx me and baze(just kd) and vedo tct.(who lives in pr some where) make a bboy graff crew in 1984 (my apex) and i leave to pr for good.in ny(bx) you had guys like myzer, dekoroc, pase, pex, etone, seen tc5, seen ua,mitch 77, duster, tabe, dero, jp, jun, ezroc, runnin the show im back in pr bombing mad ! between 84 88. i was king period ! ce.one had aguadilla tack fba had cabo rojo but i had the whole west coast no doubt from aguadilla to guanica boy!! between 84 to 86 i had a few partners like joel and maury nash from bklyn (who i had beef with but then got cool) i was bombin rappin at parties bboyin non stop . in 1985 i met craz fk but he only came for the summer . in 1986 i go back to nyc to see that slowly there cleaning the trains but the streets are getting burned ! my man just, rise, briz, wed, kosel, reck(rip) ,tabe, bio, lase, mack, per, ken, cem2, joz, easy, josh5, were running the show . 86 was the year ny was killin the street all city!its 87 now and i find my self to be the only one bombin in pr west coast . one day me and my boy go to san juan prs capitl to buy some fly gear at jumbo sport wear just to see that san juans graff scene was boomin . shit was live out there . tez 3 from the bronx ws had shit sewn! the ama buses , streets every thing i was like oh shit . !@#$% is bombin here . aguadilla still had ce killing shit but i left back to nyc once agian to return in 88 . in 88 mayaguez did a big come back and returned to burn ! i also hooked up with bee ibm from paterson new jersey . my ultimate partner ! when we joined forces we resurected shit out there we killed shit bee was a true bomber he was dope! he helped push me to the limits beyond my imagination and i did the same for him we were untouchable like batman and robin . by this time we hooked up with secto (boricua from frankfurt germany) sceem, los urone, kezer, cbk, cesp one, spash,(cabo rojo and nyc)samone, polin, zemone, and some toys juny and his crew that were on the dick but got vamped nyc style in the mayaguez mall word!! a local news paper vision did a article on graffiti in mayagueaz wich mentioned me and my boy newport prt prc from manhattan we both got bagged by a rambo toy cop graffiti hating pig named mariano zapata #3115 because of the newspaper and this bitch cop the heat came down on us hard since i was known for that it basicly came down on me the most . around 88 it marked my street bombin carreer in pr becuase shortly after i jioned the us army and ive been gone ever since but my legacy lives on no doubt ! you cant fake jacks what me and bee and a few others did while we were out there goes un surpassed !.know your history and pay respects where its due!
all content copy righted for bna crew for use of info please ask for permision
Good looking out!